View Full Version : Is anyone still experimenting with deer musk?

07-13-2004, 05:50 PM
Hello to all....first time post.

Forgive me (mea culpa..mea culpa..) for perhaps rehashing

what you all may find to be old hat.

I have read now with great interest many threads and have acquired a

thirst for more knowledge regarding pheromones and deer musk. I'm not sure if I have this right .........but the

deer that is most revered for it's musk is the Tibetian deer musk...Yes? I've spent some time on the net and

have found a few sources for Siberian deer musk and wondered if anyone had experimented with it? I found someone

selling it for $14.00 per ounce..called them and they said it is genuine. Then on another site.....it said don't

be fooled by anyone selling it cheaply..that it cost upward to $ 1200 an ounce. ??? Any opinions ...comments

...facts...would be greatly appreciated.

Also... on the subject of fragrances..colognes etc...I recently

purchased Chikara....and I am looking for a scent to compliment and enhance it's musky nose. Of course Amouage

comes up again and again... I've yet to have a smell....I'll be getting some samples this

weekend...Gold...Silver...Dia...Ciel... Has anyone used it with Chikara? I believe DrSmellThis mentioned the

original Gold to be a good choice........as it contains deer musk. How it reacts with my body chemistry and how

others react to the fragrance on me will be the key in purchasing this jewel of the nile....I think I read....

someone ( my apologies...I've read so many posts.. I can't remember who ) mixed Amouage, Deer musk and I think PI

with fantastic results.
Thanks to everyone for their informative posts..I'll keep reading and learning.


07-13-2004, 07:29 PM
I've mixed ciel with chikara.

Smells wonderful, very relaxing, and a very happy scent.

07-13-2004, 07:50 PM
Pheros may have deer musk, but I am

not sure about that.

07-13-2004, 08:11 PM
I read about

http://cronksmaine.com/deerattractants.shtml here at LS.

I bought the Apple scent and the Master

Deer Lure.
I'ts relatively inexpensive and doesn't smell that bad.

I use to use it in a EO mix instead

of deodorant awhile back.


07-13-2004, 08:12 PM
Do you know if it helped?

07-13-2004, 08:18 PM
To my knowledge, Pheros

is your best bet for reasonably priced, accessible natural musks, even moreso than Amouage in that respect, due both

to the concentration and variety of natural ingredients. (Amouage has a little authentic, high quality civet

and ambergris in the bass note. They deny using real musk, but no one really knows much of what's in it.) If anyone

thinks they know anything different, I'm all ears. Real, high quality Tonquin deer musk, as was used in the elite

perfuming in days of old, is outrageously expensive, literally costing more than gold by weight! So

obviously most of those web sites are lying. Maybe someone could find a reputable source, but I know of no

consistent source for getting it. A variety of animal musks are used these days on occasion by this perfumer or that

perfumer, but not in high quantities, as the cost is still too high for corporate perfumers to consider. Some

perfumers sometimes locate a small sample of the good stuff to play with, like when they are making a small batch of

some private perfume, for some King or Queen.

07-13-2004, 08:19 PM
The Cronks products are from a

different animal, and even then are not the pure musk from that other animal. That is not to say they would be


07-14-2004, 07:28 AM
Do you know if it

Not sure my problem is I wear it in combination with a bunch of other stuff so who is to


I change almost daily depending on what I feel like wearing.
It can't hurt and it doesn't smell

that bad but i wouldn't wear it in the woods if you know what I mean.


07-14-2004, 08:42 PM
I wasn't going

to mention this,(to anyone, ever) but here goes.

The first morning I put on Chikara, as I took out the

garbage on the way to my car, I noticed the usual 5 or 6 deer in my back yard. (I'm in Georgia, in a small


There was a buck there, with 3-4 does and a fawn, and usually the bucks are very skittish and will

bolt at the sight (or smell) of me, and trot to the edge of the woods and stop.

This particular morning, with

2 sprays of Chikara fresh on me, the buck looked up and sniffed, pawed the ground, and actually took several steps

in my direction. We kinda stared at each other for a while, then I had to go.

I had the uneasy feeling that

Bambi's daddy had the hots. (Hums the theme from Deliverance...)

07-15-2004, 01:52 AM
Very interesting post! My nose

(not Bruce) tells me Chikara has some artificial musks that are very close to and/or identical to some chemicals in

deer musk, ingredients responsible for most of Chikara's smell. A lot of light musks are that way. Muscone is a

perfume chemical that is in deer musk and in most light musk perfumes; probably Chikara too. SPMO was a much simpler

and more primitive version of this approach. They are nice, gentle-smelling ingredients, very naturally appealing

and likeable; and I use some of them myself (though not in Pheros). I think they were good choices for Bruce,

since they make sexy, long lasting fragrances that don't offend.

So the deer was reacting to you for a reason,

but probably not "the hots". I wouldn't have wanted to test him. Authentic Tonquin musk is from the male deer, but

then you have territorial competition to worry about! Pawing the ground is often a territorial gesture (foot

pheromones). So in general, stay away from any deer with antlers!

07-15-2004, 04:06 AM
great "hit" story!!

07-16-2004, 06:39 AM
Well, DST, you were right about the dominance thing.

With 8 sprays of Chikara, the backyard is MINE, and all

critters who live there. Ol' Bucky couldn't take the heat, and left a'snorting.

To make a long story

short, me and Bambette are picking out a china pattern today.

07-16-2004, 03:49 PM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: