View Full Version : Whatever happened to X-cite Wipes?

07-11-2004, 09:18 AM
Hi all,

I'm a returning customer. I used to purchase products from Love-Scent pretty regularly a few years

ago, and found that they definitely worked pretty well for me at getting women to at least consider thinking about

me "in that way."

After some experimentation, the "cocktail" I settled on was Andro 4.2 plus the Kiotech

X-cite Wipes. I found that the X-cites were great for breaking the ice-- women would often ask me what I was

wearing that smelled so good. (I never came up with a good answer for that one-- "Why, human pheromones designed to

make you attracted to me, of course!" never seemed like the right thing to say, so I usually just said it was Old

Spice, which no one believed.)

Anyway, I'm back on the dating market now, and I'd like to go back to the same

cocktail. Trouble is, it looks like Kiotech has quit making the X-cite Wipes-- I read on the boards that they're

now using their expertise to make pheromone-enhanced baits to attract fish.

That's great for them, and I hope

they make a killing at it. Trouble is, I'm not looking to get lucky with a trout-- and even if I was, I flatter

myself that I could probably manage it just on my natural charm and good looks alone.

I've looked on this site

and elsewhere, but I haven't been able to find out what pheromones were in the X-cites, so I'm not sure

what to use as a substitute. I still have a few of them left, but they're going fast, and there's a beautiful

redhead sleeping in the next room as I type this who I fear may be disappointed when she finds out what I really

smell like.

Of course, it's possible the pheromones had nothing to do with this budding relationship. Maybe she

loves me for my manly bald head and distinguished, patrician beer gut alone, and I'll never need chemical

assistance again. But just in case she kicks me to the curb, I want to be prepared.

So, does anybody know what

was in the X-cites, and what product would you recommend to take their place?

Sorry for making this post

far too long just so I could insert the phrase "beautiful redhead sleeping in the next room." Rude, I know, but I

couldn't resist.


- BlankFrank

07-11-2004, 09:23 AM
Welcome back BF! :D

I have

to make this post short, so perhaps try:

Good day to you.

07-13-2004, 07:12 AM

Welcome back. If you

liked the pheromones that were in the *old* Xcite wipes, try Pheromol Factor. All I was ever able to find out about

either formula is that they have exactly the same pheromones. Fragrance is very different, but give it a


BTW, there is still an "Xcite" wipe on the market, but as you noted it has nothing to do with Kiotech.

I got some samples here and the fragrance is bad and I didn't get the feeling there was anything special about the

pheromone formula either.
