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View Full Version : Flat butt

07-09-2004, 09:35 PM

Anybody knows about

girls with flat butt, but medium size boobs.
Why this can happens ? (There is rumour related to virginity/sex

activity). How to know what is the real cause, etc.
How to make it normal/bigger butt ? because she is not yet in

teen age anymore.
and other info/link about this topics please.

07-09-2004, 11:18 PM
ROFLMAO!!!!!! Genetics, choice

of sports/physical activities, or implants are all things that can cause the "discrepancy" you are talking about....

Maybe get her to do some good squats in the weightroom, or play a lot of volleyball, anything that gets the glutes

going, and even then.. there is no guarantee of anything.


07-10-2004, 12:33 AM
Implants I am almost sure she Not

doing it.
I think she did not exercise too many. now just dance, I will ask about the past.

activities which maybe can have effects I think is she work at office, so she always sit for long time.

I also need to check first.
On things I think she need to exercise little bit to trim her body.
There is

rumour here in asia when woman have sex for long time/many they can get this effect/ flat butt. but I dont think it

is true. but I also did not find any website/article about this.


07-10-2004, 04:48 AM
I think it's pretty much just


There is rumour here in asia when woman have sex for long time/many they can get this

effect/ flat butt. but I dont think it is true. but I also did not find any website/article about


Most Asian women have flat butts because that's just how most of them are made, and all the

exercises in the world aren't going to help much. I dated a Vietnamese girl for a while with a flat butt (but she

was fairly big up top). Even after she gained several pounds her butt still stayed flat. Didn't bother me

any...I'm more of a breast man anyway:)

07-10-2004, 07:49 AM
(There is rumour

related to virginity/sex activity).I recommend the J-Lo regimen, which includes beans 'n' rice, Santeria,

and daily disingenuousness (reps to failure).

(Oh, and sex with as many different husbands as possible...)

07-10-2004, 09:24 AM

07-11-2004, 07:26 PM
Maybe it just genetics.
I will

check her mom and brother, when I meet. she did not have sister.
another possibilities: is maybe because she is

little bit overweight about 7% from ideal calculation.
based on


I live in Asia so I meet mostly asian. but many of

them have normal butt. but this is less than normal in asia too.

Thanks for the suggestions and

for me actually it did not a big matter too. but if she can increase it it will be good :)

07-11-2004, 09:09 PM
What is your obsesison over

this? I'm so confused... If anything, being overweight could lead to a bigger ass...


07-11-2004, 09:42 PM
What is your

obsesison over this? I'm so confused... If anything, being overweight could lead to a bigger


That's why he's confused.

07-11-2004, 10:46 PM
Yah.. well... Honestly.. butts

come in all shapes and sizes... Just like any other bodypart... You are basically stuck with the genetics you are

given, you can build/destroy muscle/fat, but you can't alter the way your body will want to grow, the shape of your

arms (do your biceps have a nice peak like arnold?) is a great example of genetics. Or howabout calves... some

people just have amazing calves without trying. I think I meant what was his obsession over "why" she has a flat

butt.. and 7% overweight is... nothing.. especially if you are using that bullshit scale on that link... The only

true way to tell if someone is at a healthy "weight" is by their bodyfat and common sense.... If her bodyfat

percentage (only TRULY accurately tested via a hydro or air-pressure chamber), is around 20% (give or take, I'm not

sure what it is) she is in the "normal" range for a woman... That link you posted has such a B/S way of determining

and Ideal weight.... It says that at my height i should weigh 176 lbs... The problem is that right now I have 174

pounds of lean body mass on me (give or take).... Also with my bone structure.. I'd look quite silly below about

185 due to my barrel chest... but again this has turned into a rant (look what happens when you let bodybuilders

out! :D )


07-12-2004, 01:12 PM
She was quite the charmer anyway. Nice chest, pretty face, loads of class, a vivacious personality -

but a flat butt - and I'm a butt man. The real joy came when she rolled on her stomach and hinted for me to

straddle her from behind with my trunk vertical (me sitting up with her between my legs). The angles were such I

slid right into her vagina. What an easy way to make love!

07-12-2004, 01:33 PM
good post, I like lazy ways

of making love!!

07-29-2004, 02:40 AM
sorry for long time I did not reply

Thanks everybody.