View Full Version : Just got my first pheromones!

07-08-2004, 05:05 PM

just recieved A/E and APC today! Im going to go work out and see if there are any results..I'll keep you posted!

I put one drop of the A/E on my wrist and rubbed it around with both wrists
and put 1 drop of APC on my neck

and rubbed it in.

07-08-2004, 06:01 PM
so far I havent noticed

anything, but I was only at the gym for about 30 minutes and not a lot of girls there. We are going to the club

tonight...so we'll see what happens then.

07-08-2004, 08:09 PM
Keep us updated!


07-08-2004, 09:45 PM
APC is not the strongest of the

Androstenone agents out there. You can probably get by with 2-4 dabs. It has a nice fragrance. However, be sure

to give yourself 30-60 minutes burn time if you try the stronger dosage. One young lady I used to work with told me

that she enjoyed the fragrance very much but when I put it on at the office it overwhelmed her for a while. She had

a more sensitive sense of smell than the other women in the office.

07-08-2004, 11:19 PM
Well, I'm back. Not one

reaction from a girl, and a lot of the female lifeguardsI worked with were at the bar and I was right up on them and

I didnt see a single difference. However, I just so happened to be looking at one of my friends (Male)and I saw him

take two big sniffs and he goes "God damn, somebody smells good, it's you Matt!" So at least there was that...but

it was a guy and I was going for female hits!:LOL:

07-09-2004, 06:17 AM
What were you hoping to see in

the way of reactions from girls?

BTW -- if you're going in the water, you're probably washing off the


07-09-2004, 06:26 AM
I would use the AE on its own. The

APC is mainly good as a cover scent. It is good mixed with something like NPA, but I would leave it on the shelf

for now and just use the AE by itself. With all that fragrance, you might not be getting enough pheros on



07-09-2004, 06:48 AM
alright, I'll try just the

A/E today at work. I'm a really good tester because there are only 3 guys that works with me, and the rest (about

15) are girls. lol

--- as for what reactions I am looking for - I don't know, just looking to see

ANYTHING different. but so far that's a no go, but I fear I put too little on cause I've read that people have

put up to 4 drops of A/E on, and I had only applied 1. However, I could really smell that one drop a lot. We'll

try a little more today.

07-09-2004, 09:48 AM
I'll be giving a light dose of

SOE/m a shot at my work today (school gym). This will be my first "not on the prowl" type experiment :D


07-09-2004, 03:40 PM
Well, just got back from the

first day of work trying it out. Didn't really see anything out of the ordinary or anything that would stand out

and make me think my pheromones were workin. All the lifeguards are all having a Margarita party tonight that I'll

be attending, so we'll see if anything happens there!

07-09-2004, 04:04 PM
I would guess that you are

getting some hits, but you aren't extracting them from the situation well (if you see what I mean...). Try starting

a conversation with a girl, do you notice any difference from the way that normally develops/works out? Try things

like that, probe for those reactions! After a while you should notice the signs that hits are "lurking".