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View Full Version : Order Discounts ?

07-08-2004, 06:13 AM


received the 30% discount offer in the email but didnt order since Chikara wasnt available then - could I use the

discount now its back in stock ?

Heres hoping the answer will be yes !

07-08-2004, 06:38 AM

Chikara is $20. off

by itself in its current format. Use the current 20% updates2 discount and it is nearly 1/2 price. By the way,

Chikara is going to run out again very soon. There is only about 40 left out of the recent shipment of 150. The

next shipment will have cool labels and/but cost $10. more.


07-09-2004, 05:03 PM
Haha, of course there's

no way...

The whole point of these limited discount coupons is to stimulate impulse buying. (Of course, I have

no problem with that! :D) Take advantage of them while they last...