View Full Version : Any difference in results concerning SOE scented vs. unscented?

07-02-2004, 01:22 AM
I was wondering if you still get the younger girls hitting on you as well as the happy,

fun, friendly confidence in SOE unscented as you do with the scented version? Any difference in hit ratio's or

difference in it's connection oriented properties? I am thinking about buying it and adding a touch of NOL from a

Chem set for a little added extra sexual stimuli. Then I will pick a cologne to wear over it. Who knows maybe I'll

use Phero's in it's next version as soon as Doc perfects it. Good idea? or not neccessary?


07-02-2004, 03:21 AM
I am curious to know

the answer to this as well. I just purchased the unscented SOE because I cannot wear fragrances. I was nervous

about now much I was applying, but Bruce assured me that I was using it correctly. Now I am looking for other

in-put and testamonials from other UNSCENTED SOE users. I'm going to try using mine combined with the PCC to see

what happens. I'll be looking for more information from others as well.


07-02-2004, 05:22 AM
I've never tested the

unscented SOE alone, so I don't know how it compares to the scented in a 'functional' way... but with the same

formula, it should work the same.... my various combos don't seem to be effected.

I did notice that when I used

Pheros over the SOE (scented and unscented) it REALLY decreased how long the scents last (down to about 2 hours)

They smell incredible together, but they fade extremely fast:frustrate

07-02-2004, 06:43 AM
You know, I have never tried

unscented SOE. It sells like crazy though. It was originally inspired/demanded by women, and for the most part

that is who is buying it. That much I can tell you and they all seem happy with the stuff. It happened like

A. SOE scented was released (for men)
B. Big hit with men as is
C. Women started using it, but

some didn't like the fragrance
D. Unscented SOE was released and became instantly popular
E. Women's SOE

was released, which I like alot, but hasn't caught on yet.

So, go figure. We just have to improvise as we

go along.


07-02-2004, 06:46 AM
Do you think you may just stop the

scented version when the final batch runs out? I know a lot of guys have trouble with the scent. Unscented is much

more user-friendly.

Also, you are right about the unscented. Nobody's sent in a return yet!

07-02-2004, 06:52 AM
Scented SOE is one of my faves

out of all the mone product scents...although I want to also get the unscented at some point. The only one I like

better is Chikara. My hope is that Scented SOE also continues to be a product offering.

07-02-2004, 07:13 AM
Metroman, I find I can't use that

much without adding too much scent to what scents I already have on. Furthermore, the scent does not seem to go

with most other scents.

Are your experiences the opposite?

07-02-2004, 07:36 AM
No chance of scented SOE going out

of production in the near future. It is still a top seller, right up there with AE. SOE unscented cut into

scenteds "market share" you could say, but scented is still outselling unscented 3 to 1.


07-02-2004, 07:43 AM
Metroman, I find I

can't use that much without adding too much scent to what scents I already have on. Furthermore, the scent does

not seem to go with most other scents.

Are your experiences the opposite?

I seem to have a

natural high none sig so sometimes, especially after I work out I like to use Scented SOE as a standalone...But I

agree it wouldn't be helpful if you were combining with other scented products...I can definetly see the need for

both products...

07-02-2004, 08:57 AM
I bought SOE-m and

unscented SOE close together. Having Pheros and Chikara come on the scene so soon afterwards, I haven't

experimented enough with either SOE as a standalone. I have noticed that when I wore the SOE-m to work on two

occasions, when I got about four or five feet away from my boss, he would start to sniff like he had a cold. I

haven't noticed that with the unscented version.

Right now, I think I prefer the unscented version as I can

then pick my own fragrance.

07-04-2004, 08:53 PM

Women's SOE was released, which I like alot, but hasn't caught on yet.

So, go figure. We just have to

improvise as we go along.


When men realize that Women's SOE was designed to

increase testosterone levels in men, maybe men will start buying it.


07-05-2004, 12:37 AM
I have a pack of SOE/w gel. The

smell is incredible. I could see myself turning around to follow a girl who smelled like that. Don't know how it

affects my T-levels, but I know if I ever smelled it on a girl it would increase the blood flow down there.

Great work JVK!

07-05-2004, 05:51 AM
When men realize that

Women's SOE was designed to increase testosterone levels in men, maybe men will start buying



I purchased it but the fragrance turned me off, I applied a little bit on my skin but

couldn't take the smell. So I sent it back for the men's fragrance. I might purchase the unscented SOE in the


07-05-2004, 06:08 AM
Bruce, I was just wondering, what is

the ratio of male:female customers?

5:1? 20:1? 50:1?

07-05-2004, 08:22 AM
Bruce, I was just

wondering, what is the ratio of male:female customers?

5:1? 20:1? 50:1?

A little over



07-05-2004, 08:35 AM
I got some good results with

SOE unscented ... I started a thread a long time ago about it ... I think it was called "A nice day with unscented

SOE" or something ... A co-worker, who had never made physical contact with me before, suddenly threw her arms

around me and started talking about a music video she was working on. Took me completely by surprise. If it

weren't for Chikara, which is my best phero-friend, I'd be doing more experimenting with the others, I suppose


Oh, and about SOE/w, it's the bomb! I don't think I could ignore a female wearing that for very long

.. I wouldn't recommend a guy applying it to himself, though. It's that female scent ... and I just like to crack

open a gel pack of it every now and then and get a little sniff :p

07-05-2004, 08:49 AM
SOE is next on my list of purchases.

I have bought the gel packs in the past but I find that after a small application they pack would dry out because of

infrequent use, so I'm considering the bottle.


07-05-2004, 12:16 PM
SOE scented will probably

always have some fans, due to the synthetic musk scent. Chikara is also synthetic musk, but the type of musk notes

that are most prominent are very different between the two. Both will have their fans. The Chikara is a less

dominating scent, and blends with other things (e.g., natural musks) a bit easier.