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View Full Version : What are the best online/paperback resources for in-depth pheromone info?

06-30-2004, 08:24 PM
I have been searching the web for some advanced data on pheromones, but

I haven't been able to find much other than news articles and FAQ's on online stores. Are there any sites online

which go into pheromones in great detail and/or what books do you recommend? I am lookin on Amazon for some books, I

see these and I'm wondering if they are any good:

Pheromones : Understanding the Mystery of Sexual


William Regelson (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/index=books&field-author=Regelson%2C%20William/002-2126352


Love Scents: How Your Natural Pheromones Influence Your

Relationships, Your Moods, and Who You Love

Michelle Kodis (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/index=books&field-author=Kodis%2C%20Michelle/002-2126352-1


David T. Moran (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/index=books&field-author=Moran%2C%20David%20T./002-2126352


Deborah Houy (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/index=books&field-author=Houy%2C%20Deborah/002-2126352-188


The Scent of Eros: Mysteries of Odor in Human Sexuality

James V. Kohl (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/index=books&field-author=Kohl%2C%20James%20V./002-2126352-


Robert T. Francoeur (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/index=books&field-author=Francoeur%2C%20Robert%20T./002-21


06-30-2004, 10:10 PM
Kodis plagarized "The Scent of

Eros." Her book is primarily advertising for Realm products. Regelson gave up his attempt to publish until John

Morganthaller came on as editor (but you can see by reading the book that Morganthaller actually became a

co-author--unless Regelson had a mouse in his pocket while completing the writing). Professional/academic reviews of

"The Scent of Eros" say it all--and links to several different reviews can be found at

06-30-2004, 11:08 PM
I like Scent of Eros. It gets

pretty technical, often reads like a scholarly journal. I didn't understand all of it, but I like the depth. Took

over a week to get through it.

Love scents is for laypeople. More like laywomen. Doesn't go into the science

behind things. It talks about phermones affecting your "sixth sense" as intuituin, but does not explain the science

behind it. There is a chapter on pheromone colognes, but it was written in 98 and doesn't discuss the products

used by forum members. I read it in two evenings. And like jkohl says, Kodis has nothing but praise for Realm and

Erox studies. David Berliner even wrote the foreward.

Regelson I've never heard of.

If you want detail and

science, I would recommend Scent of Eros. I'm sure jkohl seconds my recommendation, but he's a little biased ;)

07-01-2004, 11:20 AM
I would say "The Scent of Eros:

Mysteries of Odor in Human Sexuality". That way, if you have any questions, you can ask the author right here on our

little own forum. :thumbsup:

07-01-2004, 04:03 PM
Seems like the

consensus goes with "Scent of Eros"...

I had actually heard of the book before I even found love-scent.com, and

when I came here I found out it was a popular pheromone product as well. Seems like a worthy purchase...

07-01-2004, 04:27 PM
This is not a book on pheromones,

but David Abrams “The Spell of the Sensuous” has taught me more about being successful with pheromones than any

scientific work.
It’s written by a slight-of-hand magician that lived among so-called primitive peoples in

various parts of the world and made friends with the local shamen. He came up with the notion that what westerners

call native “magic” is all about having a more intensely sensual relationship to you environment.
He writes a

lot about how important smell is among people living in a more direct relationship with nature and concludes that

this function has grown predominately unconscious among “civilized” people.
After reading this book (several

times over), I’ve learned to use pheromones as a sort of magical anointment for summoning natural forces to create

an aura about myself and shape people’s consciousness.
I know it sounds off the wall. But if any of what I

said sounds the least bit interesting I highly recommend this




07-01-2004, 04:37 PM
This is not

a book on pheromones, but David Abrams “The Spell of the Sensuous” has taught me more about being successful with

pheromones than any scientific work.
It’s written by a slight-of-hand magician that lived among so-called

primitive peoples in various parts of the world and made friends with the local shamen. He came up with the notion

that what westerners call native “magic” is all about having a more intensely sensual relationship to you

He writes a lot about how important smell is among people living in a more direct relationship

with nature and concludes that this function has grown predominately unconscious among “civilized” people.

After reading this book (several times over), I’ve learned to use pheromones as a sort of magical anointment for

summoning natural forces to create an aura about myself and shape people’s consciousness.
I know it sounds off

the wall. But if any of what I said sounds the least bit interesting I highly recommend this book.


07720-6457660?v=glance&s=books (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0679776397/qid=1088724386/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/002-3707720-645766

Sounds very interesting...

I've always been highly into

mankind's role in nature and the universe in general, always looking at things with a bigger perspective, which has

helped me understand life, people, and society in many ways...however, it has also simultaneously detached me from

"everyday life". What I mean by that is that I see things in a very scientific and analytical way, and it's like

everything has some sort of in-depth explanation, and I notice myself concerned more with the science behind it than

the experience itself. This explains my newfound fascination with pheromones, and many things I have noticed about

myself and others in the past seems to make a bit more sense...HOWEVER, I do see myself also getting too technical

sometimes and putting too much emphasis on the -mones themselves and don't put as much effort and importance into

the other traits of attraction/socialization...

07-01-2004, 05:04 PM
I've always

been highly into mankind's role in nature

The way I see it, we’ve been “hard-wired” to mate

long before modern languages and the seduction techniques associated with speech came to be. Most of the seduction

techniques you see on the internet focus on the conscious mind and use spoken language. Pheromones cut right through

all that and work with the basic signifiers that the human body “understands” irregardless of whatever internal

dialogue is going on in your head. To get the most use out of these "signifiers" you have to develop an intuitive

sense — or rather develop a sort of sensual awareness — of how they are picked up and trnaslated by the people

around you.
If that makes any sense at all.

07-01-2004, 05:24 PM
The way I

see it, we’ve been “hard-wired” to mate long before modern languages and the seduction techniques associated with

speech came to be. Most of the seduction techniques you see on the internet focus on the conscious mind and use

spoken language. Pheromones cut right through all that and work with the basic signifiers that the human body

“understands” irregardless of whatever internal dialogue is going on in your head. To get the most use out of these

"signifiers" you have to develop an intuitive sense — or rather develop a sort of sensual awareness — of how they

are picked up and trnaslated by the people around you.
If that makes any sense at all.
I understand.

I've always tried to understand things from as primal a perspective as possible. I sometimes consciously or

subconsciously do things just using tone of my voice, choice/delivery of words, the look on my face, body language,

and other indirect ways to get my point across. Around me, I always try to bring out each person's "role", if you

know what I mean. In essence, everybody is supposed to play a role around you, but sometimes it seems blurred or

ambiguous because of "civilization", Not to sound controversial or anything, but when I want to, I can make both

males and female submissive to me...at work I can, in a blink of an eye, have everyone playing their part like

they're supposed to. I have the ability to have women cook for me and get me things and basically "offer"

themselves to me. I can make girls jealous and lustful, have friends/acquaintances always wanting to do something

with me, coerce customers/clients/businesspeople, have people offer up their deepest secrets to me, etc.

Basically the deeper you get into understanding yourself, people, society, nature, and the universe, you will

understand why certain things work and happen the way they do.

This post probably sounded a little nutty, but

charm + pheromones + intelligence = THE WORLD IN YOUR HANDS...

...however, if you're more worried about getting

a date and paying your rent, it's not as easy as it sounds...


07-01-2004, 10:05 PM
...however, if

you're more worried about getting a date and paying your rent, it's not as easy as it sounds...

Being totally present in every moment is the hardest thing there is (at least for us civilized folks).

tried, many times, to take up zen meditation, but I’ve always given up. I do yoga, so crossing my legs and sitting

up straight is no problem. But JUST SITTING there without losing myself in thoughts about what I’m going to do

next seems impossible.

With pheromones, I’m lucky because I enjoy JUST FLIRTING. Even when I didn’t use

pheromones and never got dates, I got a big kick out of it. Sort of like I’m just exercising my male rights. (Sounds

sexist, I guess. But women have these rights too. We’re all sexual beings.)
On the other hand, I don’t enjoy

kissing up to power, massaging people’s egos, constantly encouraging people to do their best, putting on a show that

everything's just great and all the other business skills I have to put into practice every working day. But it’s

still possible, if I just keep reminding myself that this is my life at the moment so I might as well live it for

all it’s worth.

Speaking of Zen. The REAL world IS in our hands. It’s just that we keep desiring some

fantasy world that doesn’t exist. And we’re always “the boss”. It’s just that the responsibility can be

overwhelming. (At least for me. It sounds like you can get into it.)

07-03-2004, 02:23 AM
Scent of Eros is the big book to

seriously look at it and break away from this realm "stuff" that reguritates and uses dodgy data and ideas to

promote their products - love-scent forums have nailed down what cutler and co cant and that is to move into serious

science instead of this dodgy half baked commericalisation - JKohl has done a much better job with pheromone

education and it is great to have him and his product involved with love-scent which is really the main port and

call for this product type.

There have been great advances made here by all involved over the last 6 years or

so and i intend to keep buying and contributing my knowledge built up from a similar period of usage and involvement

in LS since even the old old old forum type which really wasnt a forum but a bullentin board type set up.