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View Full Version : Chikara/NPA combo

06-28-2004, 04:37 PM
I've been using two dabs

of NPA and three sprays of Chikara, sprayed on to finger tip and then applied so I get probably half that, and it

works well.

I found that three sprays straight up was overkill.

I want to build on this base. I am

sure people have done something similar toit.

Would adding SOE or Wagg to this be pointless? Chikara

already has the elements of SOE and it seems to act like Wagg.

Anyone have any experience with this?

07-10-2004, 04:41 AM
I used two dabs of NPA and three

sprays of chikara, sprayed on finger tip, again last night. It comes through for me everytime.

I'd still

like to add some more components on top of this, but don't want to de-sexualize it. I am toiling with adding wagg,

te/w, soe (does it really need more nol and rone?) or even a-1. However, each item seems like it may take away the

sexual punch.

Anyone who has experience "building" mixes, I would appreciate some advice on where to go

from here. :think:

07-10-2004, 06:47 AM
What kind of reactions did

you get with your NPA / Chikara combo? :think:

07-10-2004, 07:44 AM
I usually wear a dab or two of

Edge with Chikara; but don't need to to get positive reactions. The only pheromones I can think of adding are a

little PF and 1 drop A1. Those shouldn't negate the sexual aspects. Pheros might enhance it too (If you

don't like to mix it with Chikara you can apply Pheros to pits and other "non-traditional areas", since it

was designed to mix with body smells.) Every once in a while I'll add a dab of -rone to keep the balance.


it is good to start small and simple, and carefully add pieces and doses, observing small changes carefully; and

keeping bodily cleanliness at a constant level when trying new things. This is especially true when you feel close

to discovering a mix that works well for you, as this way helps you zero in on your overall target dose and nail


Good luck, and please report back. :)

07-10-2004, 08:03 AM

I have experimented

with two and three dabs of npa and two and three and a half sprays of chikara (onto finger tip, some


I don't really like to where mones during work week, I usually where this fri and sat. Because I

am wearing two days in a row (you never know how application A affects B) and have only been testing since the

product came out, I can't tell you what I am about to say is entirely accurate.

Here goes:

3 sprays

of Chikara directly to neck and three npa dabs mixed in: Worked well the first night I wore this (first time for

Chikara too). A lot of women at the bar were eyeing me. 2 or 3 groups wanted me to come talk.

However, it

was a little inconsistent as I got no results sometimes and I thought I may have been pheromone cloud ODing in those


So I switched to spraying on finger and doing two dabs of NPA. I was probably doing 2-3 sprays of

chikara. This time around, I was getting a lot of EC from women. In some cases, they wanted me to come over and

talk. But in other cases it was more the staring (where not a lot of thinking is going on inside there head at that


Then I switched to 3.5 sprays of chikara on to the finger. I was adding sandalwood on top of my

npa, but with BDC concepts talk about transdermal absorption I decided to move it to the side, so it would not mix

with mones. I also put four inches of SOE on each forearm (though about three hours before my chikara/npa combo).

This was all last night that I tried this out for the first time. What I got was instead of the staring

from women, or even women just looking at me (kind of sending siginals to come over and talk), I got really overt

reactions from girls. With five different groups of women, there would be one or two who would be really overt

about it, completely facing there body towards me and looking at me as they were talking to there friends and even

pointing. I even sneaked around to leave a bar because I didn't was to 'dis' this set of girls I didn't want to

talk to by walking by them as I exited. Even though I snuck around, going complete out of sight part of the way, I

saw one of them was watching me as I stepped into the exit.

In other situations, when I made eye contact with

women, there was no breakaway, and they also weren't dumbstruck ever. We would smile at each other in passing or

whatever, about three girls that happened with.

And then on the subway, I was getting a lot of EC from

everyone (for some reason mones do really well down there).

However, I don't want to just dwell on the

positive and make everyone think it is a super-duper mix. I only approached two women that I was interested in,

neither of which had noticed me at all prior, and got denied both times. Also there were plenty of women not

responding, especially in this one club I was at where a similar combo had worked well. However, it was all asians

last night, so that may have played a role.

My best pheromone experiences where I get that "hey sexy"

reaction (strong attraction with women being able to handle it and express it) have been off using mostly npa or

edge (prior to chikara coming out). A spray of te or three dabs of npa, combined with maybe wagg or soe. But I

experienced a lot of inconsistency with a spray of edge, and I found three dabs of npa or even that much edge just

put me an unsociable mood, messing up my state of mind. Fortunately, Chikara really allows me to apply a healthly

amount of Edge/NPA and actually feel in a party mood.

Also, the chikara/npa combo is really consistent, even

in the bar scene where I found it was harder to get consistent results than daytime situations. For the most part I

get results, only been a couple of instances where I didn't, but that may have been do to wearing it two nights

prior and also from significant sweating while waiting in the hot subway for 40 minutes.

And most of the

overt stuff I have experienced without chikara (females from afar make it obvious with their friends that they are

noticing me) has been with older women, but with my application last night I was getting that from the shyer early

20s ladies.

With mones in the the past, I just got some EC and maybe body faced in my direction at

best. Rarely approached too. There wasn't this level of simultaneous attraction and comfort.


this will keep up, as spraying can be in precise, especially onto your finger where you want some to miss.

Basically, where I want go from here is keep the lack of intimidation, the smiles, the overtness and come and talk

to me's I was getting, but add in another product to get some of that "hey sexy" seductiveness reactions (the

slowly develiping huge grins of really turned on women). I don't know what products to add to get this. Will a

friendly product to the trick or de-sexualize it? Will turning up the none-heat bring this or will it bring back

some of the intimidation?

So I am not sure where to go. I have not built many mixes yet, so I don't have

much experience with this. However, I finally found a good combo of two elements I know I want to use as a
