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06-28-2004, 10:43 AM

sized blob of gel in palm, and about 2 drops of Pheros, mix and apply to chest.

Smells great and works like

a charm :thumbsup:

Got to rush out now but I will post more when I get back.

06-28-2004, 12:37 PM
The combo makes sense, since

both are woody smelling. Do fill us in!

06-28-2004, 01:16 PM
Yeah, does sound like the smells

would blend well and the chemicals in the Edge would give you a jolt.

Don't pass over CKs

amounts there either: "pea-sized blob of Edge/sandal gel and 2 drops of Pheros". That seems like a very small

amount, but both of those items are very strong. Put them together and they are even stronger. I'm not surprised

that that amount works well. Less is often more.


06-29-2004, 04:40 PM
I might have to buy some more

sandalwood TE, I'm liking this a lot!

After it calms down the scent is very masculin, but not too intense.

Basically, it's Pheros with a slightly augmented scent a pheromonal kick in exactly the right direction. Whatever

the ingredients in Pheros are, they seem to "sweeten" TE somehow (not in a chatty way like SOE though), but I never

really noticed it untill I noticed the change in some of TE's reactions.

The best way I can think to describe

it is the sexual factor from TE with an added warmth.

06-29-2004, 04:54 PM
Good info, Kip!

It should

work well with Arouser too, in a similar way, though the "sandalwood" Edge probably would go slightly better,

smell-wise, as Pheros has a very prominent sandalwood/oud note. It would just add another angle to the smell.

06-29-2004, 05:09 PM
BTW, the

bottles and lids for "new generation" Pheros are in hand! I am now experimenting with various

bottling/dilution techniques in my lab, and dealing with some environmental control issues.

What's new for the

"new generation"? I added a few ingredients to the formula, including a natural fixative, a previously absent

"new/old" pheromonal substance (which will lend a subtly deeper and richer "naughty note", not that it was shallow

before), and more of the most prominent pheromonal substance (which seems partially responsible for the effect Kip

just noted, if I had to name an ingredient that would be; so hopefully we can cement that effect in a bit.). The

final effect in terms of smell will be a slightly greater longevity on the skin, and a slightly more prominent musky

note. The smell has also matured a bit, which means it should "hang together" a bit more. Some notes that were

buried also had a chance to surface, one of which (a very masculine note it had achieved early on) I had missed

dearly. On the other hand, it will still be very recognizable as Pheros. Of course, the packaging is also

new. It's less flashy and simpler; but sturdier, solid, attractive, elegant, and reusable. The bottles hold the

same amount of liquid, or maybe a ml more. You get a heavy screw on lid this time rather than a cork, which was cool

as a part of a special "gift item" for forum members, but less practical, as some of you noted. I tried a nice spray

lid, but decided against it, as the stuff just seems like it's meant to be dabbed. It seems more natural. The new

packaging also highlights the interesting and unusual appearance of the liquid. :D

I will release some news on

the timeline soon.

06-29-2004, 05:32 PM
Good work Doc!

You heard it

here first kids, use TE/s with your Pheros.

Has anyone else tried it?

06-29-2004, 05:44 PM
NPA has been tried, of course.

When I released the "pre-beta" version, I commented to a couple of the beta testers that I thought LaCroy products

would go well with it. I have always used it with Edge, though only Arouser. I like your idea better. OF course the

advantage of NPA is that it works better for mixing in the bottle without diluting something so much. Someone even

commented they thought the LC pheros improved the smell of Pheros, which didn't suprise me given the

holistic design of the product. But on the skin, I think I'd prefer your approach.

06-29-2004, 06:05 PM
Are all the TE/m Gel packs the

Sandlewood scented ones?

Ooooh! Cant wait to try Pheros! :thumbsup:

06-29-2004, 06:32 PM
Has anyone been trying JDM/Ashes


3:1 Pheros:NPA?

06-29-2004, 07:23 PM
Pheros should be along pretty soon

too shouldn't it Doc? :-)


07-01-2004, 03:09 AM
Yep, the time is getting

steadily closer, Bruce. There are many steps involved in bottling and labeling, but I have an idea for hastening the

process a bit, inspired by your handling of Chikara. It is possible I'll have some product for you in 2 weeks. I

have someone working on the labels now too.

07-01-2004, 08:30 AM
I cannot wait this is so


07-01-2004, 08:52 AM

anyone been trying JDM/Ashes formula?

3:1 Pheros:NPA?

Still mainly using Chikara, I have tried

that Pheros/NPA mix a little. Mainly a couple of dabs on the neck with Chikara on the wrists. Not much to report on

any improvment over Chikara alone, but the Pheros/NPA mix sure smells good. Been planning to try several dabs of the

Pheros mix alone, but I can't stay away from Chikara.

I do intend to try the Pheros/TE gel mix on Friday

though. Was tempted to do it today, but I'm kind of scared of none products in the work environment. I had a bad

experience in a bar once with a non Love Scent product with aggression from another male, and I don't want to risk

that at work. Things are flaky enough right now (the lunatics are taking over the asylum), I don't need to push

things with an accidental none OD.

07-01-2004, 11:40 AM
A mix like that could be

effective at one Edge-sized dab.

The problem with the Ph/E/C mix is the potential for OD, but it's

theoretically good. I'd throw some A1 in there, too!

07-03-2004, 12:14 PM
Funny you should say that Doc,

'cos that's what I have tried :)

But I find myself rushed to get out again, so I will post more later.

07-03-2004, 04:38 PM
Tease! :nono:

07-04-2004, 11:55 AM

I have been using the

TE/Pheros mix along with two sprays of Chikara to my neck and small dab of A1 (touch the dropper to my finger

leaving behind about 1/2 a drop) split between a few spots. I don't notice any scent clash, and it seems to be a

good development to Chikara and Pheros usage.

I tested this on a few casual situations with female friends, and

they were extra friendly - sitting closer than was natural, random hugs etc., nothing amazing but definately worth

testing further.

I went out on friday and last night using the above combo (substituting the A1 with my A1 mix

from the A1 thread). Bear in mind I wasn't looking to pull, but I was aiming to see just how interested the girls

would be, and to see if the reactions where as predicted (balanced, lots of attention, sexual but not too intense).

I had a lot of fun :thumbsup: I did a pretty poor job of observing reactions untill we started dancing, where I

noticed girls (individuals and groups) hovering around me and my friends. They tended to follow me when I moved

around, usually as a responce to me smiling at them (when they got close I moved away, trying to push my luck as far

as possible and observe as many reactions as possible [aka, I'm a teasing bastard :D]). One of the most enjoyable

reactions for me was from a very attractive brunnette. I had initially noticed her hanging around me and my friends

and smiled at her etc., but discounted it as a hit because she would just stare at me and or flip her hair around

and dance "to" some other guys. After this had happened a few times, I began to suspect that she was interested but

just being very hard to get, kind of typical but fine from my point of view. She was turning guys down all around

me, and then rubbing up against me behind my back. I turned around once and gave her a joking "what the hell are you

doing" look, and she laughed and came to dance in front of me when I turned back around. My friends were a little

annoyed:smite: :D

I'm not sure how much of what happened was down to the pheros (I find it hard to tell in

clubs sometimes, especially when I've had a few drinks), has someone else tried a similar mix?

07-04-2004, 01:37 PM

....(substituting the A1 with my A1 mix from the A1 thread)....

Cpt, sounds very promising! which

A1 mix were you using? I have been using Pheros and Chikara together quite a bit, occasionaly with just a dab of

TE(heat), but am curious to see how A1 affects it. If you used the A1/-none mix from the other thread, along with

the TE and Chikara didn't that give you a -none OD, or did the A1 counteract that?

07-04-2004, 05:37 PM
It was this one:


mix gives the following approximate phero content (mg/ml):
-none: 0.14
-nol: 0.2
-rone: 0.06
A1: 0.067

secret/m: 0.05 Before I added A1, is was aiming for a -nol heavy fibbernacci mix, with a -none to LC secret

ratio greater than 1:1. I used 7SOE:2PI:3NPA:2AE:1A1.

With the A1 that mix is extremely well balanced, I

haven't had a single negative reaction (no aggration). Chikara also seems to be well balanced, and the TE ends up

being very spread out, so all told it seems unlikely that I will -none OD (I didn't see any sign either night).

Having said that, it is quite a lot, but then I was going to clubs/pubs where more is often helpfull. In a less busy

setting, I would certainlu wear less.

In my next order I'll get some more TE/s to mix with my Pheros.

Ultimately, I want to have a few vials of mixes/products ready mixed to take on holiday. This combo or a

developement of it will certainly be coming with me :thumbsup:

07-04-2004, 06:14 PM
Hmm .. my curiousity has

definitely been piqued and I'm tempted to give it a try ... already have both products here ... I've been on an

exclusive Chikara kick for the longest time but maybe I'll give this a shot ...


07-23-2004, 10:12 AM
bump for bjf :)

07-23-2004, 10:46 AM
thanks, mate :)

07-27-2004, 06:09 PM

I have found a

great Aromatherapy/Herb shop within easy reach, so I will soon have some Sandalwood.

What would be the best way

to mix up some premixed Pheros/Sandal TE knock off?

I have TE unscented and NPA, but I'm guessing NPA is the

best way to go for concentration reasons. Basically, what's a good ratio of Sandal oil to NPA to dilutant?

07-27-2004, 08:11 PM
I think I found 20-25 drops of

sandalwood to be good for a whole bottle of edge, diluting the oil with at least equal amounts of everclear first,

if not at 2:1. I'd let the oil dilute sit overnight sealed; then mix well with the edge or NPA and let it sit for a

couple days. I am guessing that about the same amount would work with NPA, though you might be better at the math

than I, as I dont' use NPA. Doing the real sandalwood thing has always been my favorite way to use Edge. But I like

your other idea too, for convenience sake.

07-28-2004, 06:08 PM
Cheers Doc!

Hopefully I'll

be able to report back by the weekend.

07-30-2004, 01:21 PM

I have my Sandalwood,

and it smells good!

The only problem I have is that I don't have any everclear at the moment (ideas for

substitutes are welcome!), so would it be a crime to add a few drops of Sandalwood directly to some TE?

07-30-2004, 01:40 PM
Congrats on your new purchase!

I confess I've done it before and it was fine -- It's just that it doesn't dissolve or mix near as well that

way. Forty drops or so of 151 rum works in a pinch. I do think that the sandalwood mixing thoroughly and combining

with the -none and secret ingredient might provide additional benefits due to the chemical structure of the

molecules in sandalwood. If it were me I'd be curious to try it the right way. ;)

07-30-2004, 01:43 PM
denatured alcohol should work

too. Cheap and easily available at any hardware store, drug stores too I think. Its mostly ethanol, with probably

some methanol.

Does Endgland have a drinking age you don't qualify for?

07-30-2004, 01:49 PM
No sir! Thanks for the input,

but you do NOT want to use the stinky denatured alcohol that isn't meant for perfuming; as that will ruin the

smell. As I've said before, all denaturants are not created equal! You'd almost be better off with rubbing alcohol

(which is totally innappropriate also) than the denatured ethanol you get at drug stores.

07-30-2004, 01:50 PM
I keep

reading about mixes with Pheros....has it slipped back on the market, and I've missed out AGAINNNNNNNNNNN?

:frustrate Doc? Anyone? Anyone? :think:

07-30-2004, 01:59 PM
Yep, the time is

getting steadily closer, Bruce. There are many steps involved in bottling and labeling, but I have an idea for

hastening the process a bit, inspired by your handling of Chikara. It is possible I'll have some product for you in

2 weeks. I have someone working on the labels now too.

Same formula, any slight



07-30-2004, 02:03 PM
That was a post from three weeks

ago, yes? :rant:

07-30-2004, 02:10 PM
The labels, which turned out

nice, are now done and cut by hand, the bottles are cleaned and dried for the first new mini shipment of 144

bottles; I'm just doing just some last "minute" tinkering with concentration, fixation, and bottling techniques

(eg, when/how to add the alcohol); and maturing of the final formula. I'm making day-to-day decisions at this

point, regarding timing. I apologize for the delay, Mobes. I know how you feel.

07-30-2004, 02:17 PM
Wheeeeeeeeeew! :drunk: Thanks

Doc! Thought I had missed out again. This old age and missing things can be a bit hectic. :rant: I'd hate to

miss out a second time after I've collected all those cans, cashed them in for cash, and can now afford a bottle!


So, until then....Tootles! :wave:

07-30-2004, 06:56 PM
Congrats on

your new purchase!

I confess I've done it before and it was fine -- It's just that it doesn't dissolve or

mix near as well that way. Forty drops or so of 151 rum works in a pinch. I do think that the sandalwood mixing

thoroughly and combining with the -none and secret ingredient might provide additional benefits due to the chemical

structure of the molecules in sandalwood. If it were me I'd be curious to try it the right way. ;)

muchly Doc!

For the sake of my first batch (which will probably go away with me on holiday), I will do it the

rough way (unless I can get my hands on some everclear very soon). I'm definately going to use the proper method

when I have more time.

Thanks again :)

08-04-2004, 07:11 PM
I saw some Sweet Almond Oil in

said shop on sale for a couple of pounds so snapped it up. Can this be mixed with alcohol or will it separate?

If mixing with alcohol is a no-no, I'll just use it to mix up some dilute Sandalwood for cover scent and

deoderant purposes.

08-04-2004, 07:22 PM
Is it pure almond oil, or like

a massage oil? Is it natural? Is there water, alcohol or other ingredients in there?

08-04-2004, 07:47 PM
It's pure almond oil, as far

as I can tell.

08-05-2004, 01:33 PM
It's pure almond, for use in

cutting EO's. No other ingredients (except natural sweet almond oil).

08-05-2004, 05:08 PM
that does not compute to me.

it's not the almond EO.

08-10-2004, 05:25 PM
So, in light of the almond

confusion, I have recently been tinkering with a mix of TE, NPA (to keep the phero concentration up), a small amount

of AE, Pheros and Sandalwood, all in an old AE bottle. I have been pretty much adding stuff dropwise for smell, so

I'm not entirely sure about the ratios. As a guesstimate I will have the following volumes of these products in the

full AE bottle (7.5 ml):

- AE: 3 droppers full

- NPA: about 1/2 of a ml

- TE: 3 mls

I have no idea

about the Pheros and Sandalwood volumes, that is being done purely by nose.