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View Full Version : There is a FAD in the pheromone community we all failed to recognise......From Happy

06-25-2004, 02:06 AM
You know most of us tried them but none of us that I really know

of, and including me until just now, realised that "Comfort" pheromone colognes are the new in thing for the

Pheromone Cologne people and the industry. SOE, WAGG, Chakira, and even the experimental pheromone cologne called

Phero's is less marketed to an electric sex attractant and is more designed and marketed to making people open,

trusting, warm, and comfortable. 3 Years ago it was =Make women crazy with excitement.
Now it's alot of=Be more

intimate, and approachable.
It is you know, the new thing in pheromone colognes and scents I suppose huh.


06-25-2004, 04:11 AM
I don't think it's a fad and

I don't think we "failed to recognize it."

Pheromones are still largely experimental and most of our

information about them comes from others' experiences and a limited amount of scientific research. When people set

off to try pheromones, I'm sure the motivation was to make women (and men) instantly attracted to the wearer.

Since then, most people have realized that pheromones cause a wide range of personality changes that go far beyond

the "instant attraction" that was the original goal.

That being said, many people continue to use -none-based

products and continue to.

06-25-2004, 05:15 AM
It is an interesting situation in

many ways. I talked to one of the key players from the manufacturing side (Phil Stone) yesterday, and he said that

a lot of scientific research went into the design of his products, but he would not feel safe publishing the results

for various reasons. I can also remember long phone conversations with the main brain behind WAGG, back before he

had even arrived at the final formula. He claims to have personally tested dozens of potential phero chemicals that

were completely unknown to the pheromone cologne industry. Possibly I've failed in getting what little info there

is about these products out to the public, but product developers are giving a lot of thought to these new

directions. There is just so much to learn about the new pheromones and no easily digestible source of information

on the subject.
