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View Full Version : Trying new mix opinions greatly appreciated

06-21-2004, 11:25 PM
To start I'm mid 20's, 5'8" about 150-160 lbs and have been playing with mones for probably

somewhere between 2-3 years. I'm very good looking, thin but muscular and I work out regularly. I recently ordered

some new mones and I would greatly appreciate any suggestions about ratios/ dilution ect.. for the mix I'd like to

I never had luck with SOE I think due to the rone in it. The combo's I have had the best luck with so

far are first JB1, second IR cool scent/TEm/TEw, third IR cool scent alone much less intensity than with TE but also

much more consistant. Hopfully that will give you guys some input on my signature. Either TE works well with my

colognes but is very inconsistant, probably because I dab it instead of spray like JB1.
I'd like to see

if I can get better/ more consistant sexual results with a mix while staying as unscented as possible with a low

enough concentration to allow for spraying instead of dabing. A huge problem with my most succesful mixes so far is

I got bored with the scent quickly. So I'd like to be able to use my collection of colognes (varvatos, rochas,

ect...) as covers. That way I can rotate them and keep a good mix that works for me.

I'd like to use these

products in the mix.
Chem set alpha-nol
I should have all the products by the end

of the week. I'm going out of town this weekend and will come in contact with alot of people I haven't seen in a

while. It will the perfect trial run. Thanks in advance for all the help. I'm a daily visitor here but was never

able to get on the old forum for some technical reason. I respect alot of you a great deal and look forward to

hearing your opinions. I'll be posting like crazy now that I have the means and I can't wait to post my results or

lack of for that matter next week.

06-22-2004, 08:18 AM

Welcome to

the Forum!
I'm glad you finally managed to get on board! :D

For a balanced unscented spray I would mix:

parts NPA/m
1 part CS A-Nol
1 part A1
30 parts Everclear *

If you were to use milliliters as the "parts", the

resultant mix would contain a total of:
1mg A-Nol
1mg A1
.96mg A-None
.96mg NPA/m's "Secret Ingredient"

LOOKS like a balanced mix ;)
You may want to tweak it some.

For the scenario that you mentioned, I personally

would not include EW in the mix. If you DO want to use the EW, dilute it 9:1 FIRST, and then add one drop of it. You

should then also add additional diluent to the mix at the 5:1 ratio employed above.

* I've almost always used

straight (95% alcohol) Everclear as my diluent. There is however the argument that true perfume diluents usually

amount to a mix of ethanol and distilled water at ratios ranging from around 1:1 to 3:1 (EtOH : H2O). The water in

the carrier gives the delivered molecules more tenacity on the skin than does the more volatile ethanol. Plus,

distilled water is a whole lot cheaper and easier to come by than Everclear. You can double the life expectancy of

your Everclear for about a buck. That and the fact that the inclusion of water makes your mix bottle a whole lot

less of an incendiary device makes this worthy of consideration.

Good Luck!

Oscar :)

06-22-2004, 10:55 AM
Thanks Oscar. The reason for the EW

is that though I love all women, I seriously date mostly BI females. Before I get flamed the reasons probably arn't

what most are thinking. Mostly I just find them to be more understanding and tolerant of men acting like men instead

of us having to constantly censer most of what we say and do to keep from offending them or having them look down on

us. Lets face it wondering eyes and tolerated much better if your GF has an appreciation or attraction to what your

looking at.
I'll take your advise though and mix the EW up seperately and apply under both the mones and the

cover. That way I can try it with and without.

06-22-2004, 12:23 PM

Interesting perspective.

Figuring that your philosophy might also increase the likelihood of an F/M/F threesome makes it a tact worth looking

into. http://www.pherolibrary.com/forum/images/smilies/wink.gif

Good call on using the EW as a separate

application. I usually like to keep different products totally separate to maintain their versatility, but there are

times when you do want to have something pre-mixed, and a weekend junket is one of those times. Just mix enough for

the weekend in case it isn't all you'd hoped.



06-23-2004, 06:52 AM
Anyone know if the shipped

conformation actually goes out when your order is shipped or day or two later. I ask because I made my order on

sunday night but just got the your order has shipped email today (Wednesday). Which seems very strange to me since

bruce is always very very quick.

06-29-2004, 10:06 AM
Well A1 was out of stock so until

it comes in this is what I mixed up.

100 drops filtered water
100 drops everclear
12 drops NPA
3 drops chem

set NOL

I tried to up the quanities to make a larger batch because I wanted to use an old te bottle as my

atomizier so the sprays are kind of big.
So far the dose I've used has been 2 sprays to neck area and 2-3 drops

of spmo then covered with 2-3 sprays of cover scent. Only test subject has been GF, no major hits due due to it

being "that time" LOL. She has made a comment every time I've been around her about how good I smell. Not totally

uncommon as she does this anyway sometimes but not nearly as consistant as lately. She has also barried her face

near application points for minitues at a time. I've have always noticed her as being more consistantly affected by

nol than anything else, Possibly due to her being bi???
Any way I've had good results with this so far but I

don't think they are as strong or overt as possible. I'm going out tonight and I'm gonna up my dosage to 4

sprays, the place will probably be a little smokey.

What do you think of my current dose (2 sprays) with the

dilution I used. Seems low to me because of the addition of the water to the mix without uping the phero ratios but

I wanted to get your opinions.

06-29-2004, 10:25 AM
Anyone know if the

shipped conformation actually goes out when your order is shipped or day or two later. I ask because I made my order

on sunday night but just got the your order has shipped email today (Wednesday). Which seems very strange to me

since bruce is always very very quick.


I just noticed this now, but I think we have

since discussed the matter by email. Your order got slowed down because of the A-1 being out of stock. Normally,

we ship everything in by 9 AM out that same day. If something is missing (doesn't happen that often), we have to

contact the customer and see what they want to do about it.

Anyway, sorry your order got



06-29-2004, 10:58 AM
Yea you've already addressed it

with me. We are good to go. Your gonna ship me the A1 when it comes in. Just looking for opinions/suggestions on my

current dilution/dosage and posting my results so far.

06-29-2004, 11:26 AM
What do you think

of my current dose (2 sprays) with the dilution I used. Seems low to me because of the addition of the water to the

mix without uping the phero ratios but I wanted to get your opinions.

Try two sprays but take

your bottle with you. If after an hour you don't notice anything you can add another spray.

06-29-2004, 12:34 PM
Considering JB1 is my most

sucessful to date (2 sprays) I think maybe I'm taking the less more more way to serious with my current mix.

JB1 is 30% NPA and the current one I'm useing is only 6% NPA / 1% Chem set NOL. That said I think going 4 or for

that matter 8 sprays wouldn't be over kill. I would have to use 10 sprays of current mix to equal the amount of

npa in 2 sprays of JB1.
Should I be more careful on the NPA due to the nol in the mix?
My goal was something

with the strength of JB1 only unscented with the consistancy of NOL. LOL maybe thats like having your cake and

eating it to but...

06-29-2004, 12:48 PM

My way of looking at

it is that if I am wearing too little I can always add more. If I OD, I need to change clothes and shower. Kind of

difficult in most situations. :frustrate

I am a minimalist, believing the less is more philosophy. It works for

me. But that could just mean I'm a cheapskate too.