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View Full Version : Anyone tried Attract RX

06-12-2004, 07:55 AM
Has anyone here

tried using Attract RX. It's supposed to enhance production of your own natural pheromones. Other than a couple of

promotion sites I have not heard anything much about it. They have a whole list of chemicals and stuff which

apparantly achieve this but it's a bit baffling to me.

06-12-2004, 08:28 AM
Sorry Asmod.... I didn't

bother to look at the threads that I searched for before posting.... It appears that you can't currently search for

RX.... so it only brings up threads with 'attract' in them..... pretty much useless.

And as I haven't

personally used the stuff myself, I can't really offer you any insight on its effects. Hopefully someone else here

can answer your questions for you.

Best of luck,


06-13-2004, 09:07 AM
I can't remember the exact

ingredients, but it's nothing that taking zinc and DHEA every day won't do.

I managed to find this thread

(tricky with the new search function HINT)

t=9989&highlight=Attract (

06-13-2004, 02:17 PM
Thanks for that. I figured it was

just a rehash of some of the better known methods of raising testosterone and improving general health in the

trouser department. Not a bad thing in itself but as has been said, a bit pricey. Gonna give it a miss myself for

now, although I may be wrong. What for instance is that list of chemicals;

"ATTRACT RX contains a unique

proprietary blend of potent natural herbs including L-Arginine HCI, L-Glutamine, L-Isoleucine, L-Leucine, L-Lysine,

L-Omithine HCL, L-Valine, Colostrum, Vitamin B-6, GABA, Glycine and Tribulus Terrestris."
The L-???????? ones I

know little about. Calling all Chemists and Biochemists!!

06-13-2004, 04:52 PM
"ATTRACT RX contains a unique proprietary blend of potent natural herbs including L-Arginine HCI,

L-Glutamine, L-Isoleucine, L-Leucine, L-Lysine, L-Omithine HCL, L-Valine, Colostrum, Vitamin B-6, GABA, Glycine and

Tribulus Terrestris."
The L-???????? ones I know little about. Calling all Chemists and


All of the L-x's are amino acids. L-Arginine, for example, stimulates the pituitary

gland to produce growth hormone (GH), which in turn stimulates production of other hormones, including testosterone.

L-Arginine is a precursor to L-Orinithine, so L-Orinithine might be included in the formula--and I'm

speculating--so that the L-Arginine will be more available for GH production, and not so much for synthesizing


06-14-2004, 11:45 AM
L-arginine is also a good

general sexual health suppliment (check the health board), so they might be working on the principle that increased

randiness=increased phero production.

I've just noticed colostrum, which is breast milk soon after birth :eek:

:o :D (TM's ears perk up ;) )

I don't know what GABA is, but I'm sure you would get most of the ingredients

in a decent amino acid blend.

06-15-2004, 03:36 AM
Don't waste your money on

that crap! I bought a bottle and used it for three weeks with zero results. They have a good return policy though,

so it will be going back.

06-15-2004, 05:21 AM
Lately I have

received an unhealthy dose of Spam, trying to sell Attract RX, which IMHO labels it as junk.
If it was *that*

good that they claim, why would they try to sell it through spam?

// w

06-16-2004, 09:56 AM
But don't let that put you off

trying to boost your natural pheros in other ways.

The reactions won't be as pronounced as with synthetic

pheros (I imagine), but it's still worth a shot.

06-16-2004, 11:37 AM
I agree with Kip.


note to those who use DHEA for these purposes:

It helps your natural phero signature, no doubt about it. But

I believe you can OD on DHEA , especially when combining it with L-S pheros. So if you experiment with DHEA, pay

attention to your hits!! I'd keep everything else constant and go light while experimenting.

This has the

added benefit, and no small one I should add, of helping you determine how much DHEA your body and the universe

wants you to take (unless your provider wants you to take more for some specific reason), which will probably be

smaller than what most tend to do, if my own experiences are any indickation (I need only around 5mg/day, a

miniscule dose by health culture standards.)! :)