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View Full Version : Are there any confirmed vegan pheromones?

06-08-2004, 10:07 PM
Looking for a list of anything that is suggested to contain no animal products?

06-09-2004, 12:47 AM
None of the common laboratory

synthesized pheromones are animal products.

06-09-2004, 01:40 AM

Celery -

Androsterone (http://www.calcafe.com/misc/love_potions2.html)
Truffles -

Androstenol (http://www.paristempo.com/truffle2.html)

Bon Appetit!

Oscar :)

06-09-2004, 03:38 PM
Damn Oscar is that true?!

Then what might have A-NONE?

06-09-2004, 04:08 PM
Humans belong to the animal

None is in fact collected from football and cricket players,bottled and shipped to Oregon immediately.

Once the special delivery arrives in Eugene it´s put up for sale.

In the olden pheromoner days the none

products were ....something to do with pigs etc,sorry it´s too late and I´m tired :p
good night.
If you do a

search in the archives something should come up :)

Then what might have A-NONE?

bananas,cucumbers,carrots,zuchini,anything phallic shaped ;) :D


06-09-2004, 04:14 PM

I spent a lot of

time searching for a botanical source of Androstenone last night just for fun. I have seen sources where truffles

are said to contain A-None, but I believe that's in error and it should be Androstenol.

In the animal world, in

addition to pigs, oysters are supposed to be rich in A-None content, and strangely I found something that said that

butterflies were too. Nothing I would present as a definitive source though. No good for vegans in any case.


I came up with an omnivore aphrodisiac recipe for Oysters Rockefeller with celery and truffles and a (VERY optional)

butterfly garnish. :eek:

There's loads of sites that list purported "Aphrodisiac Foods", but most of them

don't bother to tell you why they're considered aphrodisiacs (other than legend), or what the supposedly "active

ingredients" in them are.

Oscar :)

06-09-2004, 04:20 PM
Quoting from Oscar on an

old thread (http://

Having done a brief

search on "Androsterol", I came up with more instances where it was referenced as a botanical compound than anything

else. For instance it's found in several varieties of Dogbane, Hemps, and even in Dandelions.


course, this only belongs in this thread if androsterol is a pheromone. That's still open for debate.

06-09-2004, 05:00 PM
I have seen sources where

truffles are said to contain A-None, but I believe that's in error and it should be Androstenol. No Oscar

that´s not an error,it is indeed androstenone :)

The reason why pigs were traditionally used to search for

truffels was for exactly this reason. Today they use dogs mainly,it´s a bit safer because dogs aren´t really into

truffels whereas pigs like munching them :)

mmh truffels....gotta wait till fall/winter again. Thanks Oscar for

wetting my appetite which will go unsatisfied for months to come! :p

btw oysters are simply considered to be an

aphrodisiac because they contain lots of protein but the won´t get you going just by themselves.
Truffels are said

to be stimulating because - you guessed it-their strong scent. ie the smell of the none ...

06-09-2004, 05:05 PM
On second thoughts maybe it is nol,

although my bet is still on none. Thanks for confusing me Mr. O :p

...wait no,it is none -nol isn´t smelly :D

06-09-2004, 06:15 PM
So I came up with an omnivore aphrodisiac recipe for Oysters Rockefeller with celery and truffles and a (VERY

optional) butterfly garnish. :eek:

mmmmm, butterfly garnish
