View Full Version : What is best product for Attracting females in their forties?

05-31-2004, 06:44 AM
Need some help here. What is a good pheromone for attracting a woman in her forties? Do

certain pheremones work better for different age groups of women. Any reply is welcome. Thanks.

05-31-2004, 06:46 AM
I think products with a high

concentration of none.

05-31-2004, 07:08 AM
Need some help

here. What is a good pheromone for attracting a woman in her forties? Do certain pheremones work better for

different age groups of women. Any reply is welcome. Thanks.
It may be different in bars and clubs but

around businesses I don't see any real difference in responses between any of the age groups. If I had to guess, I

would think that women in their forties would require a different approach than younger women.

In the past I

have had very good results with a combo of TE/AE/SoE. I'm experimenting with Chikara right now and think I am

getting good responses from it as well.

05-31-2004, 07:19 AM
Don Corleone,

My advice is to

leave the canolli and take the gun in a situation like this. Seriously though, assuming you are at least in the age

bracket of your target (more important issue in my mind), I would up the aNONE level some in your mix. Another

point is that a woman in her forties probably doesn't smell quite as well as she used to, so I would up the overall

intensity level some depending on what the environment will allow. If we are talking about your office environment,

you probably don't want to risk an OD, but for a candlelight dinner at home, I would push the envelop a little.

Her VNO probably ain't what it used to be, which is a large part of age-related loss of libido IMHO.



05-31-2004, 03:13 PM
There isn't really any one kind of

Pheromone that attracts a certain age group in my experience. Scented SOE has got me more hits with women in their

40s but in their 30s also. Chikara has given me responses from one girl who's 16 one girl in her 20s and another

woman in her 40s, that has 7 Pheromones in one bottle.

05-31-2004, 03:58 PM
the higher the none, the

higher the age you'll attract - my experience anyways.

06-01-2004, 01:14 AM
WAGG (im 24) and when i used the

beta wagg and the wagg commercial prodcut i had no end of hits from women specifically in their late 30s and early

40s quite attractive - didnt go anywhere.

Funny thing was it turned off a bit some of hte younger ones.

06-01-2004, 02:02 AM
AE/m get's me lot of hit's from

older woman in there 30's or 40's
when using 2 or 3 drups, but when using larger dossage, somehow got me hits

from all age groups.


06-01-2004, 08:28 AM
Primal Instinct for Men.

06-01-2004, 09:22 AM
As far as females go I get women of

that age group DIHLing me and more no matter what mone or mix I wear so you can wear basically anything. It will

always depend what type of phero person you are ie could you do with some nol or should you spice your phero sig up

with some none to make yourself more noticable. The second factor can´t be determined and that is how others will

react towards you and what they find more pleasant on you.

Having said that AE is a great choice and if you

want more nol you can try AE/w too :) AE + AFA is a pretty cool mix I´ve found, but I usually add EW to my


Can´t belive there´s a man here who´s going for a mature woman for a change. Almost shocking :eek: :D


06-01-2004, 09:30 AM
As far as females

go I get women of that age group DIHLing me and more no matter what mone or mix I wear so you can wear basically

anything. It will always depend what type of phero person you are ie could you do with some nol or should you spice

your phero sig up with some none to make yourself more noticable. The second factor can´t be determined and that is

how others will react towards you and what they find more pleasant on you.

Having said that AE is a great

choice and if you want more nol you can try AE/w too :) AE + AFA is a pretty cool mix I´ve found, but I usually add

EW to my mixes.

Can´t belive there´s a man here who´s going for a mature woman for a change. Almost shocking

:eek: :D
I've only been with one woman that was younger than I was (that happened to be the one who

broke my heart...go figure)...older women find me adorable. I've attributed it to this equation:


Looks + Boyish Charm + Mature Personality = Prime Candidate

The age difference of my oldest affair is greater

than my age now... :o

06-01-2004, 10:01 AM
:p Okay, but you´re so young yourself

Panch ..... :)

06-01-2004, 10:03 AM
older women find me

adorabledo they find you shaggable and try to get into your knickers?

06-01-2004, 11:06 AM
I don't know if there is a

single product that
Can help you out but I've been very successful with heavy dosages of a-none and light

A-nol when it comes to mature women. I've had
Several DIHLS and a sure hit with mature
Women due to a

large dosage of this
conbination With a good cover scent perfume.
I have to add that the dosages I used in

This situations might be considered to be
ODs by the knowlegeable experts of this
I believe

that in my situation "more is
Better" works best for all occations and specially to attract mature women.

06-01-2004, 11:18 AM

only been with one woman that was younger than I was (that happened to be the one who broke my heart...go

figure)Your little sister doesn't count. :rolleyes:

...older women find me

adorable. I've attributed it to this equation:

Youthful Looks + Boyish Charm + Mature Personality = Prime


The age difference of my oldest affair is greater than my age now... :oNeither does your

mother...nor your grandmother. :rolleyes:

06-01-2004, 11:22 AM
:p Okay, but

you´re so young yourself Panch ..... :)
Very true, but let me ask you this...how many young guys could you

say have slept with women that much older than them? :cool:


It's actually been a while since I've

flirted with an older woman...there's a maturity there that is just so sexy...you know there wouldn't be any BS in

between flirting and getting intimate...if that woman wanted you, you'd know it and she'd show you the way to get



06-01-2004, 11:24 AM

little sister doesn't count. :rolleyes:

Neither does your mother...nor your grandmother. :rolleyes:

Oh, okay...then I guess I've never really been with a woman... ;)

Thanks for the correction. :D

06-01-2004, 11:35 AM
Very true, but let me ask you

this...how many young guys could you say have slept with women that much older than them?
well I know

of a few and I know of one who went and married her :)

Oh - hookers don´t count either guys :D

It's actually been a while since I've flirted with an older woman...there's a maturity there that is just so

sexy...you know there wouldn't be any BS in between flirting and getting intimate...if that woman wanted you,

you'd know it and she'd show you the way to get there...
I guess that´s true in a way but not always.

Sorry didn´t mean to confuse you :p
I always used to prefer older men myself and always thought that older women

are often way sexier than younger women/girls and I still do in many ways. The only thing that´s changed for me is

the age limit,it´s gone up a fair bit since I was say 18.

06-01-2004, 11:44 AM
"There's nothing wrong with

being involved with in a romance with a mature woman as long
As you have time and energy for the

The prophet: guevito mogadichu

06-01-2004, 11:47 AM
what a load of crap :D You will not

have the energy for the young ones and you won´t want too either :D
-bloody hell, those older women are

starting to get to me somehow :o

06-01-2004, 11:49 AM
"There's nothing wrong with

being involved
in a romance with a mature woman as long
As you have time and energy for the

The prophet:
guevito mogadichu

06-01-2004, 11:55 AM
Don't get

me wrong, I like mature woman
But the only way to know if you have some
Juice is by going out with hot young


06-01-2004, 12:27 PM
I totally disagree.
Well, I

suppose it depends how old the guy is. And if he´s older well there´s plenty of young chicks (like myself) who

prefer older men. And some women don´t mind a bit of young,fresh meat. I reckon that if a man of a certain age

manages to pull a woman of a certain age that it can be considered more of a conquest at times than hooking up with

a younger one. Plus there´s so many b*tches out there who are only after a meal ticket or whatever ... and no I´ve

never been one of those!
Another thing is that young girls-just like guys are out playing the field and some will

just go off with anybody and I don´t know if pulling a slut is a real conquest...
And I presume that a mature

woman will be more demanding is some ways that a younger less experienced one and some guys think that such a young

girl will not be as demanding or whatever sexually - but trust me,that is NOT true ;)

So basically what I´m

saying is that what you say is simply not true and only in the mind of men who think that...and I´ll stop rambling

now :p :D

06-01-2004, 12:29 PM
Please direct me to the

sexually demanding females...young or mature. :)

06-01-2004, 12:32 PM
Well I´m one and I´m sure there´s at

least one down your road even

06-01-2004, 12:33 PM
Please direct me

to the sexually demanding females...young or mature. :)

Yes, i need some direction as well. Show

us the way :)


06-01-2004, 12:56 PM

totally understand your point.
You are totally right for a point of but you are forgetting about men's instint.

I gotta tell
You that you won't undestand men's logic.
Most of us are very inpulsive by temptation

when we first look at a hot chic we don't
Even think about how good or bad her personality might be.

of us even forget for that moment
That we have a good nature significant
other that love us.
Let me give

you a good example about a good woman and a hot chic...
Lets say that mother theresa was still
alive and

there is a mini-competition between her
And britney spears.
Mother theresa is located somewhere

and praying.
Two streets away britney is singing in
provocative clothes.
Who do you think is going to

attract more

06-01-2004, 12:57 PM

totally understand your point.
You are totally right for a point of but you are forgetting about men's instint.

I gotta tell
You that you won't undestand men's logic.
Most of us are very inpulsive by temptation

when we first look at a hot chic we don't
Even think about how good or bad her personality might be.

of us even forget for that moment
That we have a good nature significant
other that love us.
Let me give

you a good example about a good woman and a hot chic...
Lets say that mother theresa was still
alive and

there is a mini-competition between her
And britney spears.
Mother theresa is located somewhere

and praying.
Two streets away britney is singing in
provocative clothes.
Who do you think most men will

go to see?

06-01-2004, 01:00 PM
Well I´m one and

I´m sure there´s at least one down your road even
It sucks...I almost won a free trip across the

pond...but, alas, it wasn't meant to be. :(

06-01-2004, 01:12 PM
I gotta tell
You that you

won't undestand men's logic.
I do. It´s not very complicated y´know, I´m just telling you that it´s

total rubbish mostly,geddit? :D

I do know exactly what you´re saying and where you´re coming from trust me :)

Men are so easy to figure out it really doesn´t take much :D I got all that by the time I was 16 and I think most

girls do :D

06-01-2004, 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by

Well I´m one and I´m sure there´s at least one down your road even

It sucks...I almost won a free

trip across the pond...but, alas, it wasn't meant to be.
:( :( :(

Originally Posted by

Please direct me to the sexually demanding females...young or mature.

Yes, i need

some direction as well. Show us the way
LOOK Zorro! THERE`S ONE!!!!!!!! Get your whip out and GO GO GO

GOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!

06-01-2004, 01:27 PM
I do. It´s not

very complicated y´know, I´m just telling you that it´s total rubbish mostly,geddit? :D

I do know exactly what

you´re saying and where you´re coming from trust me :) Men are so easy to figure out it really doesn´t take much :D

I got all that by the time I was 16 and I think most girls do :D
I like how when women say that men are

easy to figure out, nobody puts up a fuss...

...but when men say they've figured out women, out come the female

brigade to put down the men's approach to "getting women"...

Bizzaro World Moment

Woman: Men are

so easy to figure out it really doesn´t take much.
Man: Don't you oppress me! Men are complex, interesting

people, and I resent the fact that you can dehumanize us into pieces of meat that only want sex. That's so wrong!

When will women learn that men are people with so much to offer the world besides a nice butt, ripped chest, and

washboard abs? :mad:

06-01-2004, 01:37 PM
...but when men say they've

figured out women, out come the female brigade to put down the men's approach to "getting women"... it´s

not the same thing :p and those `techniques´very often do not work :) every woman is different, as long as guys

don´t realize this they will not move ahead but I´m repeating myself here

06-01-2004, 02:19 PM
I totally

Well, I suppose it depends how old the guy is. And if he´s older well there´s plenty of young chicks

(like myself) who prefer older men. And some women don´t mind a bit of young,fresh meat. I reckon that if a man of a

certain age manages to pull a woman of a certain age that it can be considered more of a conquest at times than

hooking up with a younger one. Plus there´s so many b*tches out there who are only after a meal ticket or whatever

... and no I´ve never been one of those!
Another thing is that young girls-just like guys are out playing the field

and some will just go off with anybody and I don´t know if pulling a slut is a real conquest...
And I presume that

a mature woman will be more demanding is some ways that a younger less experienced one and some guys think that such

a young girl will not be as demanding or whatever sexually - but trust me,that is NOT true ;)

So basically what

I´m saying is that what you say is simply not true and only in the mind of men who think that...and I´ll stop

rambling now :p :D
I am dating a woman who's about 19 years younger than me, we basically live together.

You ask her why she's with such an old fart and she'll tell you it's because young guys have no idea about how to

treat a woman. She is not after a meal ticket, she wants to be treated like she has a brain and a will of her own.

People keep writing all this nonsense about how women think and never guess that the best women want your respect

and honesty, they want a decent man who is going to treat them well without sacrificing his own wants and wishes, a

man with enough self-esteem to be able to treat a woman as an equal. People ask the women here what they want, then

either ignore it or argue with them about it. Don't you think that a woman would know what attracts her?


sure there are lots of other things a woman wants but these are important to a good woman.

06-01-2004, 02:41 PM
it´s not the same

thing :p and those `techniques´very often do not work :) every woman is different, as long as guys don´t realize

this they will not move ahead but I´m repeating myself hereSee? There it goes again!!! I didn't even

mention a technique and whether they work or not...and I already have someone defending that position! :p I totally

agree with you on every point...I wasn't even arguing. I was just saying that it's interesting that this happens

with women and not with men. Even funnier is that "it's not the same thing". Now, I won't touch that with a 20-ft.

pole as I realize that I see things logically and take out society's gender differences or perceived gender

differences that make the comments different...but the general consensus I'm getting is that it's okay to say that

men are simple and predictable but you can't say that about women without getting major flack...which there's

absolutely nothing wrong with the latter (because it's not true to say that women are simple and predictable) but

maybe something wrong with the former (because it's also not true...despite everyone jokingly accepting it as


If that's how it is, so be it. All I can do is point out the fact that if we want to be equal we have to

think equally...or something like that.

I must add that the main reason men don't defend their gender about

being simple and predictable is because they really don't care. :) ...Whereas this seems to be a big insult to


Here's where everyone tells me I have no idea what the hell I'm talking about because I try to put

everybody on the same playing field when the world doesn't work that way. That being said, that's it for me!

You've been great! Goodnight, everybody! :)

06-01-2004, 04:38 PM
Another thing is

that young girls-just like guys are out playing the field and some will just go off with anybody and I don´t know if

pulling a slut is a real conquest...

Why is a woman who is just out playing the field like men

have for centuries a slut? I think its a major step forward for female empowerment & the rights of women and I hope

more women do it!!! Yeah...Yeah...

06-01-2004, 05:08 PM
I like how

when women say that men are easy to figure out, nobody puts up a fuss...

...but when men say they've figured

out women, out come the female brigade to put down the men's approach to "getting women"...

Bizzaro World


Woman: Men are so easy to figure out it really doesn´t take much.
Man: Don't you oppress me! Men

are complex, interesting people, and I resent the fact that you can dehumanize us into pieces of meat that only want

sex. That's so wrong! When will women learn that men are people with so much to offer the world besides a nice

butt, ripped chest, and washboard abs? :mad:
Uhhhh, when it becomes true? ;)

06-01-2004, 11:06 PM
:( :( :(


Zorro! THERE`S ONE!!!!!!!! Get your whip out and GO GO GO GOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!

Wow must have missed

this one. Thanks, fot setting me straight.


06-02-2004, 04:38 AM
Why is a woman who is just out

playing the field like men have for centuries a slut? erm that´is not what I said or rather how I meant it.

Going off with just anybody and throwing yourself at any guy who maybe has money etc is being a slut. Going off

with someone you happen to fancy etc is not.

06-02-2004, 05:34 AM
Uhhhh, when

it becomes true? ;)

Well, I'm still only good for reaching high places and lifting heavy

objects... :rolleyes:

06-02-2004, 05:49 AM
laughing here, men do know

what they want and women know what they want after reading a magazine until next week when the latest issue comes


06-02-2004, 06:06 AM

here, men do know what they want and women know what they want after reading a magazine until next week when the

latest issue comes out.
Joking even more, I figured I'd actually make a relevant post and say that -none

pheromones will work well...

...especially in combination with alcohol...lots and lots of alcohol. You can't

lose with that combination. :D

06-02-2004, 06:51 AM
laughing here, men do know what they want and women know what they want after reading

a magazine until next week when the latest issue comes out.

KoolKing1 for president!!!

Hey! How do you put smileys in posts? Somebody, andybody, onebody...help!!! Pleeeeeeeze.

06-02-2004, 07:00 AM
KoolKing1 for


Hey! How do you put smileys in posts? Somebody, andybody, onebody...help!!!


Hey mobly, check out this


Hopes this



06-02-2004, 07:04 AM
Hey! How do you

put smileys in posts? Somebody, andybody, onebody...help!!! Pleeeeeeeze.

I can't figure that out,


06-02-2004, 07:15 AM
You guys need to go to

USER CP => EDIT OPTIONS => scroll all the way down => choose the option ENHANCED INTERFACE -


06-02-2004, 07:20 AM
I can't figure

that out, either.
I can't figure out how Holmes got horns...and how he got smoke to come out of his nose.

How do you do that? :D

06-02-2004, 07:23 AM
You guys

need to go to USER CP => EDIT OPTIONS => scroll all the way down => choose the option


Thanks, for the tip, franki didn't now


I guess i learn something new about this forum everyday.


06-02-2004, 07:24 AM
Thanks Franki and Dzorro! :)

06-02-2004, 07:30 AM
laughing here, men do know what

they want and women know what they want after reading a magazine until next week when the latest issue comes

out.If it´s in a mag it must be true :D
-yeah till the next issue or until they realize it´s bollocks


06-02-2004, 07:34 AM
If it´s in a mag it

must be true :D
-yeah till the next issue or until they realize it´s bollocks :DHey cj i like the name of

your website, in your profile, but the link don't work ???



06-02-2004, 12:29 PM
Dz & Franki.....tank Ya Vedy

Vuch! ;)

06-02-2004, 12:49 PM
Hey cj i like

the name of your website, in your profile, but the link don't work ???


One day, CJ's

going to buy the domain name just to be able to count the hits to her site...I bet she'd appreciate the ego boost

that thousands of hits would do to your confidence level...seeing as that'd mean that thousands would want to see

"CJ Totally Naked"... :)

06-02-2004, 01:24 PM
Hey cj i like the name of your

website, in your profile, but the link don't work ???
I didn´t realize that link got carried over from

the old board -but the other stuff in my profile hasn´t :( ??

Good idea Panch I hadn´t thought of that but

maybe I should.... :D or maybe you should ;) thousands - I don´t think so :D