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View Full Version : The Dynamic Duo

10-16-2001, 04:00 PM
Hello to all who read this.

I\'m posting my first message here on this wonderful message board.
I am utterly fassinated by all of these products.I\'m the kind of guy that researched for a week before buying a DVD player. So with these products I wanted to get the most effective.

I ordered the dynamic duo before reading all these posts. Now after reading, I\'d obviously love to try the 70/30 mix everyone loves, it figures they are out, but I\'ll wait.

Question: Can\'t I just mix the Primal instead of the new additive (just cant remember the initials of these things) since it is strong as well.

also..... how important is the \'nol part of the mix, and is it anywhere in the dynamic duo ????

1 more......Can anyone rate how well the Alter Ego product worked alone ????

Thanks alot.

10-16-2001, 07:36 PM
Welcome aboard, Wildbill - and relax, you did alright with your first purchase! images/icons/smile.gif As everyone here will tell you, there is a big variation between what works for different people. There are many who rave about the 70/30 blend, but guess what? Didn\'t do a thing for me images/icons/frown.gif The good news is that I think virtually everyone here would agree that Alter Ego is probably one of the better (THE best IMHO) stand-alone products available - has all three main pheromone compounds in it, and has a deep musky odor that is easily maskable with a good cologne. Give it a try and see how it works before blowing more cash on something else. They all work a bit different for everyone!

10-16-2001, 07:56 PM
Alter Ego is pretty good but it is the blend of perfection aka 70/30? Only time will tell. images/icons/smile.gif

Seriously though, what he says it true. Different things work on different people. When I first came here the big thing was Edge and PI (not mixed of course), which was funny because I had actually come to order APC, which I did order before I read these post.

I did try the Edge and it wasn\'t nearly as good as what I\'d gotten by ODing on APC alone. I mean people were nice to me and treated me pretty well but the hits where you could definitely say \"This wouldn\'t happen to me minus pheromones\" wheren\'t coming. But there are still people who swear by the edge.

It just goes to show body chemistry does play a role and even if the maximum woman grabbing effect of 70/30 didn\'t work for you I\'m sure something will. I myself had planned to check out AE but instead I got a bottle of PF as a mail order incentive back when Bruce was doing that so I plan to try that by itself then with NPA.

As for the A-nol, women\'s PI seems to have it as far as strength. What some people are doing is mixing 70/30 APC and AFA (instead of APC and NPA) because of AFA nol content. How important it is? I don\'t know but a few people around here say it\'s just as good as APC/NPA but I haven\'t tried it although some aren\'t as keen on the smell. images/icons/cool.gif

10-17-2001, 05:16 PM
Thank Idol and Jambat:
I will purchase the 70/30 mix as soon as its available.
I am just dying to get my recent order.
I will let you know all of my results, in detail when I get the products, I am very often in real good circumstances for stories, I work in Film / Video production, so being around ALL sorts of juicy situations, and carrying around a $50,000 video camera helps already.
You all are great for helping so much,

10-17-2001, 08:56 PM
Good luck to you. Careful with that camera. images/icons/smile.gif