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05-19-2004, 09:44 PM
As promised

in the large news thread, here is our write up on pheromone candles:

No pheromone candles you say? We beg to

differ. It has been asserted by other organizations that pheromone candles will not be successful based on an

arbitrary number that somehow the structural integrity of the molecule will somehow be sacrificed around 155 degrees

Fahrenheit. In order to show this assertion is not accurate, it is necessary to have an understanding of how candles

function, the molecular structure of hormones, and diffusion.


First, lets explain how a candle

works. \"Candles really are an amazing lighting system -- the fuel itself is the package. There are two parts that

work together in a candle:

The fuel, made of some sort of wax
The wick, made of some sort of absorbent twine

The wick needs to be naturally absorbent, like a towel, or it needs to have a strong capillary action (as in

glass fiber wicks used in oil lamps). If you buy a length of un-waxed wick at a craft store and play with it, you

will find that it feels like soft string and absorbs water very well. This absorbency is important in a candle

because the wick needs to absorb liquid wax and move it upward while the candle is burning. When you light a candle,

you melt the wax in and near the wick. The wick absorbs the liquid wax and pulls it upward. The heat of the flame

vaporizes the wax, and it is the wax vapor that burns. You can prove that it is wax vapor, rather than liquid wax,

that is burning with two experiments:

1. If you place one end of a metal or glass tube (shaped like a thin

straw, 4 to 6 inches / 10 to 15 cm long) into a candle\'s flame at a 45-degree angle, you can then light the upper

end of the tube. The paraffin vapor flows up the tube and is the fuel for this second flame.

2. When you blow

out a candle, you notice a stream of white smoke leaving the wick. This stream is paraffin vapor that has condensed

into a visible form. It continues to form as long as the wick is hot enough to vaporize paraffin. If you touch a lit

match to the stream, a flame will run down it and re-light the wick.

The reason the wick does not burn is

because the vaporizing wax cools the exposed wick and protects it. You may have seen the camping trick of boiling

water in a paper cup. The cup does not burn because the water inside cools it. The liquid wax does the same thing

for the wick.\"

Aromatic Candles:

In aromatic candles, scented oils or other ingredients are added while the

wax is in liquid state before it\'s poured or shaped into its mold (glass jar, etc). When the candle is lit, heats

up, and wax melts, a liquid pool is formed around the wick. Nearly all of the scent released from an aromatic candle

is from this liquid pool through diffusion. Diffusion works through the intermingling of molecules in gases and

liquids as a result of random thermal agitation. In other words, the wax changing states from a solid to a liquid

through heat releases the aromatic scent into the air. It is not the burning of the candle that releases the aroma

into the air, rather, its just the opposite and little of the aroma is destroyed through burning.

Hormones and


In the simplest sense, pheromones are simply hormones secreted by the body through various glands in the

form of sweat mostly. In fact, most human pheromones detected have common molecular structures to those of

androgenic hormones. Sparing the complexities of this, if you examine androstenone, androstenol, and androsterone,

you find that their melting points are well above 100 degrees Celsius. In fact, for hormones used in human beings,

it is common sterilization practice to heat a preparation to over 300 degrees. Pheromones can endure quite a bit of

heat without loss of molecular integrity.

The Point:

We have established how candles function and the

importance of diffusion for aroma. Clearly, pheromones are not broken down when the wax changes from a solid to a

liquid. Ever dip your finger in hot wax...exactly. Because pheromones will diffuse with the aroma of your candle,

little is sacrificed through the actual combustion process.

Want to make a pheromone candle?

Easy enough.

Take any candle you have. Dump or scrape the wax out into a pot and apply heat from a stove. When the wax melts,

simply add your pheromones (usually in an oil based product) to the pot. Mix thoroughly and pour the liquid wax into

whatever container you would like making sure push a wick through before the wax solidifies.

There is a bit more

to this than what is stated and will be explained further, but for the majority this is the basics. Thanks to

howstuffworks.com for helping me not to spend the time to explain how candles work. We will elaborate further but

wanted to offer this up for discussion first.

Thanks all,

05-20-2004, 04:09 AM
Funny, I had

just been wondering earlier this evening if the oil-based mones would work like scented incense oils and planned to

try it later today. This was a thought I had in response to some trouble with wearing mones directly on my skin. I

also had been wondering if it might be cool to light this stuff up in the bedroom as an enhancement to anything I

might already be wearing.

Chemo (BDC Concepts)
05-20-2004, 05:09 AM

thing that needs to be added here is that the practicle use of a pheromone candle is not possible until you

establish the following:
<ul type=\"square\"> Candle burn rate [must be accurate]
Candle burn

Effective wick:candle diameter to eliminate waste
Maximize liquid pool for aromatic

As a matter of curiosity we are exploring this idea and have begun initial work in the area.

We can make a small test batch of candles and may offer them to interested members at cost (yes, no markup). The

only requirement is that one would pay cost of the candle raw material and shipping...then post the feedback


The planned test batch will most likely include a low temperature melting point wax base with design

focused on even burn and known burn time. Also, we\'ll do some unscented and some scented.

If anyone has any

questions about how to make a candle, what we are using for our test batch in terms of material, or anything else

please ask! We do not hide our formulas and truly believe in supporting the members with innovative ideas...in this

case, the members will most likely be able to source the materials to make the same product at a fraction of the

price that it could be purchased at!

For those interested in trying a test candle we\'ll setup some sort of

sign up system. I\'d love to beta the candles but we already have over 30 candles of various scents and

models...I think one more will present a fire hazard! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif


05-20-2004, 12:44 PM
</font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
One thing that needs to be added here is that the

practicle use of a pheromone candle is not possible until you establish the following:

type=\"square\"> Candle burn rate [must be accurate]
Candle burn volume
Effective wick:candle diameter

to eliminate waste
Maximize liquid pool for aromatic dispersion

<hr /></blockquote><font


I\'ve also played with pheromone candles a



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