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View Full Version : Returning to MONES!!!

05-16-2004, 06:21 PM
Okay, so I

stopped using mones after using them for a while. I certainly noticed a difference, just I couldn\'t afford it,

c\'mon I\'m 16 years old. But now I have a job, and can afford it. I\'m sure a lot of you all remember me, and

I finally realized I am just going for girls way out of my league, so now I probably won\'t be whining all the

time. I used TE, AE, SOE, and WAGG. I greatly improved my body, just look in Open Discussion for \"6 weeks of

Improvement\" to see the pics. I\'m not up to date on all the new Mones, is there anything you guys would suggest

for a guy like me?

05-16-2004, 08:51 PM
</font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
is there anything you guys would suggest for a guy

like me?

<hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

Keep seeing that Psychiatrist.


Mones are only going to do so much for anybody and they

won\'t help you at all with your biggest problem which is YOU! You have a serious identity problem. Most young

people have the same problem. They haven\'t lived long enough to know who they are and how they fit into the world

around them. Most teens haven\'t accomplished anything with their lives cuz they haven\'t had enough time. They

have no foundation to build any sense of self worth beyond how they do in school and how they look in the mirror.

The biggest problem I see with teens is they make the mistake of comparing the way they feel on the inside with the

way other teens look on the outside. At your age EVERYBODY, boys and girls, are nothing more than a bundle of fear,

anxiety and raging hormone post-pubescent sexual energy. This is true no matter how good their grades are, how nice

their clothes are or how good they look in the mirror. In short, ALL teens are F\'d up. Some more than others.

Grasping that simple and true concept will put you way ahead of your peers and hopefully, if you\'re a nice

person, allow you to make some good friends when you realize that everybody your age feels the same way on the

inside as you do. Including those girls that are \"out of your league\".

As for the Psychiatrist remark, I

really do think that\'s a good idea for you. I\'ve been reading your posts for the last 10 months and it\'s

clear to me that you have some Mommy and Daddy stuff that could use some work. Not to worry though Mancho, everybody

has that problem too.

Keep us posted on your progress and please try to stay out of the National Evening News.


05-17-2004, 01:34 AM
excellent post, Gulp!

</font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
Most teens haven\'t

accomplished anything with their lives cuz they haven\'t had enough time. They have no foundation to build any

sense of self worth beyond how they do in school and how they look in the mirror.

<hr /></blockquote><font


This is gold for any teenager!