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View Full Version : Pheromone Production

04-23-2004, 06:46 PM


I am new to pheromone, and what I understand is that the human body produces pheromones, and these

pheromones may attract the other sex, am I right???

If I am right, may I ask if there\'s a way to \"make\"

the human body produce more pheromones? So, instead of buying, which is quite costly, and may not be cleared by

customs, is there another way?

Thank you, and I hope you don\'t laugh!


04-23-2004, 07:15 PM
The more

you sweat (cumulatively) the more \'mones you give off, but I don\'t think you\'ll ever make as much as you

would just buying it, unless you start looking like arnie schwazenegger in his earlier years

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif, youd have to work out a lot a make sure you sweat a bunch. I\'d

rather buy \'mones because i know how much i have on, and the scented ones smell good! If i were you id get just a

little bit of Scent of Eros Gel packs (maybe like 7) just for a test drive, I was bought after i tried SoE. If you

find that you dont like them, which i highly doubt, you can try body building


04-23-2004, 07:17 PM
No, there are

some pills on the market that promise to make your body produce more mones, but they\'re all BS--I don\'t think

they work.

So, i don\'t think theres any other way besides \"buying\" some more mones... Some say pheromones

are destroyed by deodorants and other products,even showering will wipe them out, some say we do not produce a

reasonable amount anymore due to human evolution.

So, i don\'t really see another way... Besides, let\'s face

it--the price is not so bad considering a bottle will last quite a bit of time


04-23-2004, 07:52 PM

been lots of talk about this in the forum. I don\'t know where to start. Ideas have included small doses of DHEA

(you have to determine how much you need), working out, minimal soap showering, wearing clothes to bed, andro

supplements, indolplex, tribulus, butyric acid supplements, probiotics, sandalwood instead of deodorant, consuming

more cholesterol (plant and animal) and cops on upper lip, career success, doing things you enjoy, and moderating

ejaculation. I\'m probably forgetting a few things.

04-24-2004, 06:26 AM


I think the Doc got most of them, but try a forum search


Very interesting topic.

I still say the best reactions I ever get are when I don\'t shower in the

morning because I don\'t need to (for whatever reason. As a side note, having sex the night before, working out

and \"being healthy\" the day before help), and then applying deoderant just before I go out (as not showering and

then going dancing can result in BO).

04-28-2004, 12:54 PM
</font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
There\'s been lots of talk about this in the

forum. I don\'t know where to start. Ideas have included small doses of DHEA (you have to determine how much you

need), working out, minimal soap showering, wearing clothes to bed, andro supplements, indolplex, tribulus, butyric

acid supplements, probiotics, sandalwood instead of deodorant, consuming more cholesterol (plant and animal) and

cops on upper lip, career success, doing things you enjoy, and moderating ejaculation. I\'m probably forgetting a

few things.

<hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

Just to hijack this thread, let me thank DrST.

He\'s been promoting pure sandalwood as deodorant for a long time. I can\'t use commerical deodorants because

they irritate my skin. I have used those health food store \"stones\" but I have concern as to whether they

contain aluminum and are unhealthy.

For years I just used Vodka or whatever I could find to sterilize my


Then I came to love scent and found a source of Everclear and started mixing that with essential oils. I

always used a lot of sandalwood with my Everclear but always felt that the Everclear was the deodorant and the EOs

were just icing on the cake.

Now, the last 6 weeks workers have been painting and doing other work in my very

small apartment. So lots of my stuff is in boxes and I don\'t know which box contains my Everclear. When all my

Everclear-containing deodorant mixes ran out, I was stuck. So I started doing as the good Doctor advised. Each

morning after showering I put 3 or 4 drops of sandalwood oil on my finger and rub it into my armpit. It\'s now

almost 12 hours since my application this morning and I can still smell the sandalwood.

It\'s like the heat of

your pits keeps the sandalwood active all day and acts like a diffuser.

I have no hits to report but I am

satisfied that it is a d#mn good deodorant. Thanks Doc.

04-29-2004, 01:01 AM

welcome! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif